
Attractions in Tønder and surrounding area
Beautiful, almost transparent lace in unique design tells the story of Tønder, which grew up around the lace industry. Silver, furniture, Dutch tiles and faience; enterprising people in the field of whaling and cattle exports made the mark on the city, which today is seen in the beautiful historic center, which is also the setting for a famous music festival and the Christmas village. The Christmas city is beautifully represented year-round by the architectural gem “The Old Pharmacy”, while the modernized “Water Tower” contains a permanent exhibition about the Danish, internationally famous furniture architect Hans J. Wegner. Every year, couples come from all over the world to get married in the romantic Tønder municipality.

An adventure castle, a dramatic history and an idyllic countryside with a historic inn, old beautiful houses in Slotsgade – with ghosts and a great atmosphere. What more does it take to create a contemporary adventure? The city and the region’s major tourist attraction is the beautiful Schackenborg Castle. The famous Goldhorns were found here in Gallehus northwest of Tønder around 1660. The beautifully restored barn, Slotfelt under Schackenborg Estate, contains the history of the region’s art and culture.

Black Sun
Black sun is a natural phenomenon that can be experienced in spring and autumn when the starlings gather in Tøndermarsken and Ribemarsken in huge flocks, and get ready for migration. Starlings come from all the countries around the Baltic Sea and Norway. Just before the stalks go down to the ground for the night, the big flocks draw fascinating patterns in the sky – this is called Black Sun and can, for example. is experienced in the marsh by Højer. Black Sol finishes every night with the stalls settling in the roof pipes, usually up to an hour after sunset. The accommodation areas are constantly moved to cheat the birds of prey, and because roof pipes after a few days of use break, so the starlings will literally sit with their feet in water.
Black Sun in Tøndermarsken can occasionally hold up to a million birds. When the overnight flock becomes larger than 500,000 birds, however, the flock is usually split up, as there will be too much internal turmoil.

Tønder Festival
Tønder Festival today ranks among the largest and most important folk music festivals in Europe and is internationally known for the high quality that characterizes the artists who are each year engaged in performing in Tønder. Musicians from all over the world can be experienced here in both traditional and rock-rocking genres.

Source: Rømø-Tønder Tourist Association

Top 5 attractions
1. Black sun
2. Tønder Festival
3. Møgeltønder
4. Vadehavet
5. Christmas in Tønder